Monday, October 17, 2011

Minnie Mouse Fever!

Minnie Mouse Fever!!
(and more, of course)

Hi Everyone! So I just wanted to update you about new things going on here at The Tickled Tutu; it's been awhile since I've written a post that's actually applicable to my business so I thought - no better time than the present!
Over the last 2 weeks, Tickled Tutu's Minnie Mouse outfits have been "all the rage." (I totally hate that phrase yet it still makes me giggle, so why not use it) These outfits are also my most favorite to make, so I suppose that's a win-win situation. There is just something about Minnie mouse that makes things hard to screw up! However, the common trend among the clients purchasing these outfits is....nearly all of them are preparing for an upcoming trip to Disney Land or Disney World. Yey for them; but super jealousy has taken over for me!!!! I am so looking forward to when Owen is old enough to remember a trip to Disney (that's also code for, I'm waiting for the moment that my husband gives the green flag and books our trip).
On Saturday I went through EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY PRE-MADE BOWS (nearly 250 or so...) and decided which ones will stay and which bows will be "retired"--25 bows stayed. It was a bit sad to say goodbye to the 225 others, but I donated them all to Goodwill hoping that someone finds them and makes another little girl smile. What's amazing is even though I cleaned out a ton of inventory, somehow I have already managed to fill the space up again!!! It always seems to blow my mind how that happens!
About 2 weeks ago I ran a giveaway to about 7 facebook Tickled Tutu fans and they received custom hand painted bow holders; so I have now added that fun little addition to the Tickled Tutu family. I have always loved to paint and making these bow holders has been a nice change of pace.

So now I've begun the Christmas holiday seasons of tutu and clothing making, which is always a blast. I tend to do approximately one craft show a year and usually choose one that's around Christmas time just because of the fun spirit in the air. There is a local garden/nursery near my home that brings in live reindeer on the first weekend of December. That's one of my very favorite days of the year, and I LOVE doing tutu photo shoots there! If you are a Denver-Metro area local, shoot me an email and I'll give you the info about where you can see these awesome animals. Santa makes his appearance here and there, but the reindeer...they are AWESOME.
So I'm leaving you with hopes that you have a wonderful week and enjoy these wonderful fall days!!
Until Next Time!
xoxo TT 

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